EU Referendum

EU politics: a heroic failure in the making


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Andrea Leadsom is at it again with her EU reform agenda, very much under the influence of the Muppets at Open Europe where the Lord Leach agenda prevails.

This time, it's her Fresh Start Project Manifesto for Reform, setting out "clearly and precisely how the EU must be reformed". The idea, I am told, is to present as coherent a scheme as possible, setting out the parameters for reform. Then, when the EU rejects the ideas proposed, this leaves the way clear for an exit, gathering support from the City and others who will accept that it is the only option left.

With that being Leach's idea, it would seem that Andrea is being set up to fail, in which endeavour the "colleagues" will be only too willing to assist. The "manifesto" hasn't the proverbial snowball's chance in Hell of making it to the negotiating table.

The thing about it is that you just have to glance over it to appreciate that the changes being proposed are of such a fundamental nature that, should they actually be adopted, whatever would be left operating as the European Union would be that in name only. And the "colleagues" are never, ever going to let that happen.

But just supposing we play along with the ever-hopeful Leadsom, she must surely realise that the extent of the changes she proposes would, perforce, trigger a treaty convention. And there, it would be evident to even the meanest of intellects that others might also be submitting their own proposals, completely at odds with hers.

In the ensuring battle of ideas, one wonders whether Leadsom has really thought through the odds of her manifesto surviving and then what part of it would get as far as the IGC. And does she then really think that any part of it could survive a veto?

Not even her best friends, however, could ever accuse Andrea Leadsom of thinking, which means that she is secure in her fantasy that she is somehow contributing to the EU debate and has something to offer. In due course, she can go down with her "Fresh Start" as the heroic failure she was always intended be, and we need waste no more time on her.