EU Referendum

EU masterclass: a trial run?


Every now and again, I am asked to provide background details on aspects of the EU, to enable readers better to fight their battles. I'm reluctant to do so, as there is plenty of basic material out there, so my input is hardly needed – and I wouldn't want to insult my regular ex-readers by posting Janet & John stuff.

However, what I am prepared to do is run the occasional "EU masterclass", where I take on board a specific EU-related subject (not necessarily topical) and post a briefing note, followed by a discussion on the comments. The two would be very much linked, so that we are not talking about a sterile briefing note, but an active exchange of views.

Probably, the best day to do this is a Saturday, but I'm open to ideas on this, possible frequencies, and topics for discussion. I'm not going to lecture into thin air, but if there is interest in the idea, and you are clear as to what you want, I'll do it.